Έφυγε την Παρασκευή 04-12-2020 από την ζωή σε ηλικία 87 ετών ο συμπατριώτης μας Μιχάλης Βλαχούλης στο Μπράντφορντ της Μασαχουσέτης.Γεννημένος στις 10 Ιανουαρίου του 1933 γιος του αειμνήστου Νικολάου και της Κούλας ΝταβάραΟ εκλιπών είχε μεταναστεύσει στις ΗΠΑ το 1951 με τέσσερα αδέλφια του και την χήρα μητέρα του.Εκεί εργάστηκε με τα αδέλφια του για αρκετά χρόνια στην εταιρία υποδημάτων του Θειου του Γιώργου και αργότερα ακλούθησε τον μεγάλο του αδελφό Γιάννη και έγινε κομμωτής.Ο εκλιπών διατηρούσε άσβεστη την αγάπη για την πατρίδα μας και ιδιαίτερα για την Σαμαρίνα την οποία κουβαλούσε πάντα μέσα του.Μαλιστα η ασπρόμαυρη φωτογραφία που δημοσιεύουμε είναι τραβηγμένη στην Σαμαρίνα.Θερμά Συλλυπητήρια στους οικείους του Καλό Παράδεισο.Σ.ΚObituaryHAVERHILL – Michael N. Valhouli, 87, of Bradford, MA, beloved Baba and Papou, passed away at his home, surrounded by family, on Friday evening, December 4, 2020. He was born on January 10, 1933 in Grevena, Greece, son of the late Nicholas and Koula (Davaras) Valhouli.Michael emigrated to the United States in 1951 with his four brothers and widowed mother. Their uncle George Valhouli, owned the Lincoln Shoe Company in Haverhill, MA where, along with his older brothers, Michael worked for several years. From there, Michael followed his older brother Jon’s footsteps and became a hairstylist. For many years, Michael could be found happily working at Salon Val Bros. on South Main Street in Bradford, MA; first, beside his older brothers, then his wife, Soultana, and later with his son, Paul and his daughter-in-law, Tamara. As a seasonal resident of Old Orchard Beach, ME, Michael loved spending time at the beach house where his children and grandchildren visited frequently over the years. A favorite place of his wife’s, he would often be spotted sitting on the porch shouting a friendly “hello” to passerbys. He was the husband of the late Soultana (Papahajis) Vallhouli who passed away in 1998. He is survived by his children, Paul and his wife Tamara of Plaistow, NH, Stacy Velazco and her husband Enio of Carlisle, MA and Alexis and his wife Michelle of Bradford, MA; brothers John Valhouli and his wife Georgia of North Hampton, NH and Archimedes Valhouli; sisters in-law Mary Ann Valhouli of Haverhill, MA and Dotty Valhouli of Rye, NH; grandchildren Alexia Leland and her husband Lance, Paul Valhouli, Jr., George Scopelites, Julia Velazco, Nicholas Valhouli and Michael Valhouli; several nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews.Visitation will be held on Tuesday, December 8, in the Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church, 154 Winter Street, Haverhill from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. Private family church services and burial in Linwood Cemetery will take place. Please note to wear face coverings and social distancing measures will be in place. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Michael’s memory to the Holy Apostles Church Building Fund, 154 Winter Street, Haverhill, MA 01830. Arrangements by Driscoll Funeral Home, Haverhill. For guestbook, visit www.driscollcares.com |